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Hst7 Cartoons

Hst7 Cartoons

Hst7 Cartoons Zuren Use acid Tripping on acid Acids be like Acid to water Acid shower H2SO4 acid H2SO4 meme Chemists 1925 Hydroxiden Bases love protons Mix zuur en base Lakmoes en base Wanna play? It’s a base Pretty base Base under the salt Base be like Ammoniak 0-14...
Hst8 Cartoons

Hst8 Cartoons

Hst8 Cartoons Intermoleculaire krachten: Intermoleculaire kracht Zwakke en sterke intermoleculaire krachten Inter- en intramoleculair Inter- en intramoleculair Type krachten Soorten krachten Inter- en intramoleculair Soorten intermoleculaire krachten   Dispersie...
Hst9 Cartoons

Hst9 Cartoons

Hst9 Cartoons Algemeen Organic chemistry edible Voeding structuurmoleculen Alcoholen Study organic chemistry Chemistry solutions EtOH structuur EtOH party Alcohol is a solution I love EtOH Aldehyde Grignardreagens zilverspiegel  Donaldehyde reductie Tollens en Fehling...
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